The Sky Ranch Life Map

The Life Map is an intentional plan and curriculum that guides us in investing in and building programs and activities for your children, with the goal of helping them become all that God created them to be.




Learn, Experience, Become

Sky Ranch developed and implements an intentional plan and curriculum that guides us in investing in and building programs and activities for your children, with the goal of helping them become all that God created them to be.

All your campers may realize is that they’re having a blast, but under the surface, critical character building is taking place. Purposeful conversations happen in formal Bible study times, on walks by the lake or over a milkshake. This is the power of The Life Map.

The Sky Ranch Life Map, our intentional plan for campers’ personal development, is fun with a purpose. It starts with a week of camp each summer when children are younger, and then builds year after year, to help shape campers into servant leaders through our relevant leadership camps when they’re in their teens and even into young adulthood.

The Life Map was designed as a framework for ministry that allows Sky Ranch to remain directed and purposeful with our mission of leading youth and families to know and follow Christ. It is our desire as a ministry, while committed to the support of the local Church, to invest in families’ long-term through intentional relationships.

Life Map Phases
The Life Map consists of 3 phases as your child goes and grows through the program.

Phase 1: Learn

Developing character and faith

Phase 1 of the Life Map is focused on learning, knowing that during this phase of a person’s life, they develop character and can, by way of fun and relationships guiding them at camp, come to saving faith in Jesus.

Phase 1 programs include:

Phase 2: Experience

Putting faith into action

Phase 2 of the Life Map is focused on experience. It is a time when campers are ready and desire to learn more about who God is and who He created them to be. It is during Phase 2 that campers are challenged to live out and be what they believe, by putting their faith into action. Phase 2 is where the Leadership Camps begin.

Phase 2 programs include:

Phase 3: Become

Contributing through servant leadership

Phase 3 of the Life Map is focused on becoming. This is the phase where you move past the growth of a consumer and introduction of service, to becoming a full on servant leader. The works of your leadership become contributing factors to the growth of those now entering into the Life Map and expand into your community, churches, and family.

Phase 3 programs include:

Our Strategic Approach to Ministry

At Sky Ranch, we have a base of essential components that are incorporated into all programs in every phase of the Life Map. Bible study curriculum, teachable moments, camper awards, cabin structure and cabin counselors are crucial parts of our ministry that exist to create excellence in every aspect of summer camp.

Bible Study Curriculum

Sky Ranch’s biblically-based study curriculum is based upon answering one of the annually rotating worldview questions:

Worldview Questions

  • Who is God?
  • What is our need?
  • What is truth?
  • Who are you?

Each program in the Life Map will tackle these world view questions through our specifically developed curriculum meant to intentionally target our campers based upon the stage of life they are in and level of questions they are asking.


Teachable Moments

Counselors in every program are trained to look for “teachable moments” where they can strike up growth-oriented conversations with campers. Our counselors are with their cabin at every event of each day which makes every moment a possibility for growth as a Christ-follower! This means that teaching about the Word of God goes beyond bible study and into the entirety of the day as campers benefit from the influence of their counselors through the witness of their Godly character and actions as well as the on-going Godly conversations they have in the middle of having fun.

Sky Ranch Cabin Structure

  • Van site cabins consist of 3-5 counselors depending upon cabin layout
  • Colorado-based programs provide 5-6 counselors per gender
  • All programs maintain camper to counselor ratio of no greater than 6:1 and at times reaching a camper to staff ratio of 3:1 depending upon activity
  • Cabins stay together, including counselors, throughout the whole day

Sky Ranch Cabin Counselors

  • Cabins are staffed with counselors who are a year removed from graduating high school
  • Rigorous application and interview process
  • Required to attend a 2 week extensive staff training
  • Chosen based upon high-level leadership abilities, character, social tact, and sincere faith

Sky Ranch Camper Awards

Every camper at Sky Ranch is given a unique award based upon a character quality observed by their counselor that they wish to highlight as a strength placed in them by their Creator.