Recent College Graduates - we are hiring for our Master's and Fellowship Programs! Go to for more info.


Apply at Sky

An intentional, Gospel-centered, and relational summer camp. I love my job... you could too!

Best Summer Ever!

We love Jesus and we invite college students to live their summer to help youth and families to know and follow Christ.

What Makes Us Different?

Our focus is relational ministry. We seek to build relationships through camp that lead to conversations about Jesus.

About Us
Our Mission

The mission of Sky Ranch isĀ leading youth and families to know and follow Christ. We believe that our redemption has been accomplished solely by the blood of Jesus Christ through our acceptance of His gift. Click below to read our full doctrinal statement.

Our Beliefs

Our Ministry

Sky Ranch developed and implements an intentional plan that builds on itself year after year, and guides us as we design programs and activities for campers, with the goal of helping them become all that God created them to be.

Life Map

Our Staff

We recruit, interview, hire, & train over 700 college & high school summer staff. The best of the best from schools all across the country come to be a part of this ministry! Our amazing staff truly is what sets Sky Ranch apart.

Learn more about High School opportunities

Jobs & Locations

We hire a variety of positions each summer at each of our five camp locations. View available postions by location below.

Explore Jobs

"Four of the best summers that I could ever have - met my best friends, grew in ways to look more like my Creator, and shared the Gospel for kids to know Christ. If you ever get the chance to work at camp, do it. And then do it again. I LOVE MY JOB!"

- 2021 Sky Ranch Staffer

Van, TX
Van, TX
Van, TX
Horn Creek, CO - Quest Colorado
Horn Creek, CO - Sigma Junior
Horn Creek, CO - Family Camp
Horn Creek, CO - Family Camp
Van, TX
Dallas, TX - Day Camp
Cave Springs, OK
Van, TX
Van, TX
Ute Trail, CO - Family Camp
Ute Trail, CO - Sigma Senior
Van, TX
Van, TX
Ute Trail, CO - Sigma Senior
Dallas, TX - Day Camp
Cave Springs, OK
Dallas, TX - Day Camp
Horn Creek, CO
Ready to Apply?

Applications open fall 2024!