We are accepting Master's Program applications! Learn more at SkyRanch.org/Legacy-Programs


Summer Prep

Texas Overnight Camp

Summer 2025 information will be available beginning April 15, 2025!

First time camper? Click here for helpful resources.

Learn more about who we are, safety, helpful tips, and see resources like blogs for packing.

Learn More

Pre-Camp Checklist

    Follow this list and you will have everything you need by the time camp rolls around! 

    Screenshot the list with your phone to save.

    • Log into your Sky Ranch Online Account to:
      • Confirm your account is paid in full
      • Complete your Medical History and Terms & Conditions
      • Answer the “Additional Questions”
      • Sign up for Horsemanship under Reservations (if you want!)
      • Pre-Order Sky Packs and Snack Packs
      • Confirm your Cabinmate Requests
      • Add funds to your Store Card
      • Confirm your camper’s shirt size under “Additional Questions”
      • Select a Bunk1 Package
      • Upload a photo of your camper


    Two weeks before camp
    • You will be emailed your cabin assignment on Thursday – 10 days before camp
    • Check the packing list
    • Prepare Camper Mail & Care Packages
    • Download the Bunk1 App for Apple or Google
      • Log in with your Sky Ranch username and password
      • No code needed!
      • Turn notifications ON!
      • Don't upload a photo of your camper or buy packages in Bunk1 app!
        • Instead, log into your Sky Ranch Online Account and it will Sync to Bunk1!
    One week before camp
    • Plan night event outfits
    • Camper Medication: Must be in a labeled prescription bottle. Learn more about medication and health policies here.
    • Log in to the Bunk1 App


    Day before camp
    • Double-check the packing list
    • Fill out and attach your camper's luggage tags 


    Day of camp
    • Decorate your car
    • Bring your Photo ID - it's required
    • Don’t forget your camper mail/care packages. (We deliver on Tuesday and Thursday!)
    • Listen to the Parent Camp Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Amazon Music
    • Head to your favorite place on Earth! (Hint: Sky Ranch in Van, TX!)
    • Want a sneak peek at the arrival process? Check out the video below! 
    During camp
    • Send your camper emails and view daily photos with the Bunk1 App. (Expect to see a handful of photos of your camper throughout the week. Check out our philosophy on Camper Photos for more info.)
    • Listen to the daily podcasts on Sky Ranch Parent Camp to be a part of the experience.
    • Quick Enroll to secure your spot for Summer 2026! We won't have paper forms, so do it when you get the link on Tuesday to get your t-shirt!
    Packing List

    What to Bring

    Required Items

    Please make sure to label all of your camper's belongings!

    Clothing T-shirts/tops (no strapless)
    Blue jeans/long pants Shorts (modest length please)
    Raincoat/poncho* Lightweight jacket/fleece
    Tennis shoes (2 pair) Swimsuit (one-piece only)
    Clothes to get dirty Hand sanitizer
    Baseball cap/hat* Twin bed sheets/blankets/sleeping bag
    Outfits for night events Pillow & pillowcase
    Water bottle* Towels (shower & beach)*
    Socks Toiletries*
    **Water shoes or old sneakers (Crocs don't count!) Pajamas
    Drawstring bag   

    **Water Shoes are REQUIRED for lake activities, so don't forget them!**

    Optional Extras

    Disposable cameras Flashlight*
    Sunscreen Laundry bag
    Insect repellent Washcloth
    Bible/journal/pens* Care packages***
    Stationery/stamps* (Pre-addressed please)  


    *For your convenience, these items are sold in the Legacy Center Corner Store

    ***Care Packages: Make sure to read up on guidelines for bringing care packages. Sky Ranch also offers the option to purchase pre-made SkyPacks for cabin delivery. See them in your Online Account.


    Young Riders & Sky Fillies Rodeo Camps

    • Don't forget your RIDING BOOTS!
    • If your camper is bringing their own horse, please remember to bring buckets, feed, supplements, and all tack required for your horse for the week. If using a Sky Ranch horse, all of the above will be provided.
    • A riding helmet is required. If you do not have a helmet, Sky Ranch will provide one.
    • We will divide into teams for the Rodeo, so please pack both a red and a blue shirt.


    What NOT to Bring

    Crop tops Scooter low-cut tank tops
    Any web-enabled devices Cell phones Money
    Tobacco products iPads/tablets Fireworks
    Handheld video games Computers Bikes
    Paintball guns and gear Skateboards Fishing gear
    Skeet shooting equipment Wake boarding equipment Climbing gear
    Weapons (including pocket knives and multi-tools) Alcohol/Illegal drugs Archery equipment
    Personal sports equipment Pets  


    Any electronic device that can access the internet breaches our security policy. If discovered by a counselor, it will be collected and stored until the end of the camper's session. In addition, Sky Ranch cannot be responsible for lost or broken articles. Please do not bring anything that would break easily or cause loss if misplaced.


    Helpful Hints

    • Large suitcases or trunks are best (no larger than 32Lx18Wx14H)
    • There is a themed night event each evening and campers are encouraged to dress up. Learn more here.
    • Don’t buy a lot of new clothing - this is camp, and we will most likely get wet and dirty!
    • Use ziplock bags to waterproof items.
    • Don’t send anything that you consider irreplaceable.
    • Clearly and boldly label all of your child’s belongings.
    • Strapless clothing, mini-skirts, two-piece swimsuits or t-shirts with large cut outs are not allowed.
    • All shorts must be a modest length (fingertip length) and we have a NO ROLL rule.
    • Check out this blog post by one of our camper parents on packing.
    Arrival & Departure

    Opening Day


    Sunday Arrival Schedule

    • 2:00pm-3:00 pm
      • Sky 1
      • Sky 2
      • Young Riders*
      • Sky Fillies* 
    • 3:00pm-4:00pm
      • Sky 3
      • Morph
    • 4:00-5:00pm
      • Sky 4
      • Quest Van
      • Quest Colorado
      • Sigma Junior
      • Sigma Senior

    *For Young Riders and Sky Fillies: If you are bringing a horse, Sky Ranch Staff will be at the Arena at 2:00 to assist you. Once you have your horse settled, you will proceed to check-in on camp!


    Upon arrival, Sky Ranch staff guide you through camper drop-off.

    • Before you get out of your car, be sure to grab your Photo ID, your camper's medications, and any packages you are dropping off for the week! You'll take all of that with you!
    • From there, we'll help load your luggage and take you and your camper to their cabin. You'll need your Photo ID for this part!
    • After saying your goodbyes, you'll head to Legacy. While there, you can:
      • Drop off your camper's packages
      • Turn in medication to the Health Center
      • Finalize any registration details with Guest Services
      • Visit the Corner Store and Cafe Sky! (Don't forget your free popcorn!)
    • Once you're done, hop on a trailer back to the parking lot, and we'll see you on Saturday!


    Google Maps


    Saturday Pick-Up

    The Camper Code

    • After Sunday check-in, the Administrator (the person who received your pre-camp emails) will receive an email with a Camper Code specific to each of your campers! Make sure this email is the best way to contact you! 
    • Screenshot the Camper Code and save it to your camera roll!!
    • Show us the image at check-out to pick up your camper.
      • If someone else is picking up your camper, send them the image! 
      • Verbal codes will not be accepted. 
      • If there is an emergency and you are not able to send the Camper Code to a designated person, Administrators/Emergency Contacts can be added through your Online Account. Please contact GuestSerices@SkyRanch.org if you are having trouble adding them.
        • The 3 ways to pick up a camper:
          • Show the Camper Code
          • Be an Account Administrator (show Photo ID)
          • Be an Emergency Contact (show Photo ID)
            • (In the past, we've allowed Authorized Pickups to pick up your camper. This is no longer an option!)

    Closing Show Times

    8:00 AM - Gates open for Sigma, Sky 1, and Sky 2

    8:00 AM - Young Riders and Sky Fillies Rodeo Begins.

    • Follow the signs straight to the Arena for the amazing Rodeo we have planned for you! No need to go through the main gate! The Rodeo will be completed in time for you to head to camp if you have other campers who will be at those Closing Shows.

    9:30 AM - Sky 1 and Sky 2 Closing Show 

    10:30 AM: Sky 3, Sky 4, Morph, and Quest Closing Show


    What to Expect

    Arrive and Park: We'll show you where to get your luggage and camper meds!

    Head to the Legacy Building: Show us your Camper Code screenshot to get your Golden Ticket for your camper.

    Quick Enroll for next summer: No paper forms this year, so do this before you arrive to make check-out as smooth as possible and secure your spot in Summer 2026! Don't forget your discount AND limited edition tee!

    Closing Show: Catch a few highlights about the BEST WEEK EVER! After the Closing Show, you'll have the opportunity to talk with your camper's counselors – and hand off that all-important Golden Ticket!

    Once you've grabbed your limited edition Pre-Reg Tee, don't forget to grab a milkshake at Café Sky and stop in the store for any final purchases!

    See You Next Summer!


    Is your camper coming two weeks in a row?

    We will be offering Weekend Camp* only to campers who are attending 2 consecutive weeks of camp for $250. Please email GuestServices@SkyRanch.org for details. 

    *Not available between Sessions 10 and 11.*

    Night Events

    What is a night event and what does that mean for packing?

    Make sure to watch the video to learn what night events are and see examples of costumes! Each week starts with Opening Show and ends with Campfire. Mixed in between are creative-themed nights.

    Sky 1

    Sky 1 Boys

    Sky 1 Girls

    Sky 2

    Sky 2 Boys

    Sky 2 Girls

    Sky 3

    Sky 3 Boys

    Sky 3 Girls

    Sky 4

    Sky 4 Boys

    Sky 4 Girls


    Morph Boys

    Morph Girls


    Quest Boys

    Quest Girls

    Young Riders

    Young Riders Boys

    Young Riders Girls

    Sky Fillies

    Sky Fillies

    Camper Mail & Care Packages

    Mail from friends and family is one of the highlights of camp! Here’s everything you need to know!

    The DIY Method

    • Delivery
      • We deliver packages on Tuesday and Thursday. Limit 1 package per camper on each of these days.
      • We do NOT receive packages sent through UPS, FedEx, or USPS. Letters and packages to campers need to be pre-addressed and brought at check-in. 
      • We deliver any number of letters in flat envelopes every day, so feel free to write a few kind words for your camper – be sure to address it with camper name, cabin and day of delivery!
    • What goes inside a package?
      • Snacks, a journal, small trinkets or games, or just a sweet note. Food must be sealed. Please do not send gum! For the safety of all campers and staff, do not include snacks with common airborne allergies such as peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, etc.
    • Labeling
      • Your package or letter needs 3 things: Camper’s Name, Cabin Number, and Day of Delivery. (Mon - Friday for letters. Tues or Thurs for packages)
    • Drop-off
      • On Sunday, drop off your letters and packages at the Legacy Center when you arrive. Don't leave it in the car! Take it with you when you hop on the wagon to go to your cabin!


    The Kick-back and Relax Method

    We offer amazing pre-made care packages (SkyPacks) that can be purchased through your online account (select Pre-Orders) and delivered every day.

    The Corner Store will also be open in the Legacy Center on Sunday for you to make purchases to send to your camper during the week! (Or plan ahead and order them now!)

    Health & Wellness




    While we recognize that trips to the health center are not completely unavoidable, we work diligently to minimize any time spent away from camp activities. This means that we take a proactive, holistic approach to caring for your camper. Ways that we do this include, but are not limited to, focusing on the importance of:

    • handwashing
    • bug spray
    • sunscreen
    • hydration
    • rest

    Our health center is staffed by licensed health professionals and health care assistants. A physician acts as the medical director, providing yearly review of our policies and treatment protocols.

    Filling out your camper's Online Health Form is the best way for us to know how to serve your camper. Any time a camper goes offsite for care, or if a camper has to stay overnight in the health center, we will contact you.

    A note about Emergency Contacts

     On your camper's health form, you will be asked to list additional Emergency Contacts. These individuals can be any trusted adults in your life in addition to you. In the event of an emergency, if we cannot reach you or any other administrator on the account, we will contact the Emergency Contacts listed here. We recommend letting those people know you have named them on this form, as the expectation is that someone could be at camp in Van, TX within 2 hours in the event of an emergency.

    Health Tips for Camp Prep

    A healthy camp starts at home! As you prepare to send your child to camp, here are some ways that you can ensure they have a wonderful experience:

    • Prevent the spread of illness:
      • If your child shows signs of illness, please keep them home. This greatly reduces the spread of illness at camp.
      • Teach your child to sneeze in his/her sleeve and to wash hands often at home and at camp.
    • Staying Hydrated: Send a reusable water bottle so it can be refilled frequently during the week.



    Commonly Used Medications 

    The Health Center stocks commonly used medications, such as tylenol, for as-needed use.

    Bringing Medications

    If your child takes medication on a regular basis, the medication will be stored in our health center and dispensed by a licensed health professional. All medications (both prescription and over-the counter) must be checked in when you drop off your camper.

    To help expedite your check-in process on Sunday, please follow the instructions below:

    • Original packaging required for all medications
      • Both prescription and over-the-counter medications are required to be in the original packaging and contain only the medication identified on the container.
      • Do not put medications in pill containers.
    • Legible prescription label
      • If your child requires a prescription medication, the prescription label must be legible with the camper’s name on it.
      • Do not use old bottles or those belonging to another family member as they will not be administered per state law.
      • Prescription label instructions will be followed. If your child’s doctor has recently changed the timing or frequency of the medication, make sure the prescription label is up to date.
    • Non-FDA approved medications need an order by a licensed provider
      • Non-FDA approved medications include most vitamins, oils, and dietary supplements and will only be accepted and administered to your camper if accompanied by an order that is signed by a licensed provider (MD, DO, NP or PA).
      • This order must instruct us on when and how much to give. This is to ensure the safety of your camper and to comply with the Nurse Practice Act.
    • Check the expiration date
      • Expired medication will not be administered per state law.
    • Rescue Inhalers and EpiPens
      • The ONLY medications that are permitted to be kept with the counselors are RESCUE inhalers (along with spacer) and EpiPens. These are the only medications that our counselors are trained to administer. Campers are not allowed to keep rescue medications themselves for safety reasons.
      • A counselor that has your child’s rescue medication will be with your child at all times. The counselors are allowed to keep glucometers.
      • If you have any questions, please contact JenW@SkyRanch.org prior to camp.
    • Picking up medication:
      • All medications can be picked up by parents on the last day of camp.
      • Medications that are not picked up will be disposed of so please be sure to stop by our medication return table.
      • If your child has a rescue medication kept by the counselor (EpiPen or rescue inhaler), it is your responsibility to obtain these from your child’s counselor when you pick up your child from camp.

    To serve your family with excellence, we follow the regulations for Colorado and Texas Youth Camps and subscribe to the American Camp Association standards.


    Special Dietary Requirements

    We will gladly work with you regarding special dietary restrictions and food allergies. When completing online registration for camp, please complete the portion related to food allergies and dietary requirements. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact our food service department directly by emailing FoodService@SkyRanch.org.


    Bed Bug Prevention

    Bed bugs have become more common in the United States and worldwide over the past few years. Sky Ranch takes several precautions to ensure facilities are free of these pests, but as with all hospitality businesses we have no control over the potential of guests bringing in bed bugs.

    More Information

    Daily Schedule

    Each day is jam packed with activities and fun and food and night events and rest!

    Sky 1, 2, & Young Riders:
    • Rise and shine around 7am
    • Go to bed around 10pm after their awesome night event


    Sky 3, 4, Morph, and Quest & Sky Fillies
    • Wake up around 8:00am
    • Go to bed by 11:30pm after their night event

    Camper Photos & Parent Emails

    Photos - See camp in action!
    • You can expect to see a handful of fun pictures of your camper participating in activities and posing with their cabin throughout the week. The goal is to capture one to two photos of each camper, each day.
    • Pictures are uploaded daily to the Bunk1 App for you to view, purchase, and share.
    • We do not post pictures of Friday evening activities.
    • Due to the nature of the schedule, we do not take pictures of reserved activities like paintball and horsemanship.

    In the Bunk1 App, you will also have the opportunity to use Credits to send your camper a letter during the week. Update them on what's happening at home, their favorite sport's team, or a funny thing the dog did! We'll print it out and give it to them. Letters are printed at 10:00 am each day, so be sure to submit it through the app before then!


    To view photos and send your camper emails while they are at camp, download the Bunk1 App and log in using your Sky Ranch account information.

    Bunk1 Information

    Cabinmate Requests

    • Campers may request up to three cabinmates through their Online Account.
    • We cannot accommodate groups larger than four.
    • When making a request, an email with instructions will be sent to the other camper. Please note: only one should make the request and the other should accept.
    • All requests must have an 'Accepted' status at least 14 days before arrival.

    Store Account (Ranch Bank)

    Each camper will be given a wristband that is linked to their Store Account (Ranch Bank). We do not allow campers to carry cash on camp, so they use their Ranch Bank to purchase snacks, souvenirs, gifts, books, apparel, and much more.

    We recommend depositing $75 for each week of camp. This can be done at any time through your online account by selecting Store Account from your camper’s itinerary. Unused Ranch Bank funds can be donated to the Sky Ranch Scholarships Program. If not selected as a donation, any amount over $5 will be refunded two weeks after their session of camp.

    Be sure there is an updated photo of your camper on their registration! This will help us confirm their identity when they make a purchase in the store!

    Lost & Found

    Please label everything belonging to your camper prior to their arrival. We will attempt to return everything labeled to your camper prior to their departure. Anything unlabeled will be available at the Lost & Found table on Saturday. After camp, we will be keeping items for 2 weeks. If your camper has lost something, please email GuestServices@SkyRanch.org with a detailed description of the item. After two weeks, all unclaimed items will be donated. Sky Ranch cannot be responsible for lost or broken items, so please do not send new clothes or valuable items to camp!
