Why SKY - Tamara Willmann
I want to be a great wife and mom. But I often get caught up in other things, especially during the school year, and find myself overcommitted, stretched too thin, and always at a loss for time. By the end of the school year, I have nothing left to give. Sky Ranch Ute Trail Family Camp is always my light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve been going to family camp the first week of our summer break since 2014, and this year will be no different.
The staff have become friends – we’ve started a new wedding season in our lives as a result of the amazing young people we’ve met – and the camp leadership have become cherished family. We go to camp to spend time together and to spend time with the Lord. At the center of Ute Trail is a spirit of service.
Family camp gives us the opportunity to unplug, to be served, and to be allowed time to LISTEN to our Creator and Counselor in the beauty and majesty of the Colorado mountains. I have time to rest, to laugh, and to have fun. I have time to worship, to grow, and to connect with my husband and children. I have time to learn from the other families – who have also become dear friends – about what it looks like to be a great wife and mom. What a special gift! Thank you Sky Ranch Ute Trail!