Why SKY - Kelly Love
The dust has settled and the experiences have set in from my two boys first time at summer camp - and I felt compelled to send you a heartfelt note to say thank you.
My boys, Brady and Trent, attended session 9 last week. With much anticipation, excitement and nerves, we dropped them off last Saturday. While I had attended Sky Ranch when I was about their age, I came back to the camp as an adult with just bits and pieces of memories. All of them wonderful memories, but not complete memories. However I had enough to be confident in telling my boys they would have a GREAT time - the blob, the pool, the lake. I can't believe how much has changed...there are so many new additions to the campus - we had looked at all the pictures online before we went so they knew some of what they were in for.
Trent has always been my independent child and went into camp with zero hesitation - in fact he practically threw us out of his cabin after we finished making his bed. He was ready to GO - even though he attended by himself and knew no one in his cabin. Brady was noticeably nervous - and had even broke down crying months before even going. He had reservations about being away from home for so long. But he made it to camp and we got him set up and he seemed ok with everything. He took some comfort in knowing he had one friend in his cabin.
All week long, I anxiously looked for pictures of them each night after they were posted, and I was so relieved (but not surprised) to find pictures of their SMILING faces. I could tell they were having the time of their lives. But the real reward came when I picked them up on Sunday. I wasn't sure what stories I would hear - good, bad, just ok. As I walked out on the lawn after the performance to find them each with their cabins, Brady came running up to me with a huge smile of pure joy, gave me an enormous hug, and proceeded to talk as fast as he could about all that he did. He was going 90 miles per minute and even through his hoarse voice (too much fun I guess), I could tell how impactful the past week had been. The scene was repeated as we walked to where Trent's cabin to greet him. And their stories and experiences were told the entire 1.5 hour trip back to Dallas. I can honestly say that I have NEVER heard them talk so much about anything! Not school, not a sporting event, not other camps they've been to - they had SO much to say and they wanted to tell me everything! And I loved every minute of it. I had tears in my eyes more than once on Sunday as I was overwhelmed with the positive experience they had at Sky Ranch. I'm so thankful that I was able to give it to them - and it was well beyond the expectation I had for them.
So to you, I say THANK YOU....
Thank you for creating such a wonderful and nurturing place to send children.
Thank you for the staff you hire that have a natural gift for guiding young lives.
Thank you for making it so much fun - fun they may never stop talking about.
Thank you for giving them a safe place to learn and grow - and to build confidence in themselves...without Mom and Dad around. There are not many places in today's world where they can get this and as a parent, it is one of the most important experiences I can give them.
Thank you for teaching them about God's love for them and giving them the tools that equip them to handle everyday challenges.
Thank you for the smiles, joy and hugs I saw and felt - it was the best gift I could ever receive.
My family will be facing some challenges in the next several months and I feel that the time my boys had at Sky Ranch has provided them with a foundation that will help them through it. My boys have already talked about coming back next summer - and I'm going to do everything in my power to make that happen. It's more than just summer camp - they are learning life skills that will turn them into successful, well-balanced, grounded adults. It's nothing I could do on my own and feel truly blessed that I have Sky Ranch as a team member.
I appreciate all you've done for my boys - and we look forward to seeing you next year.
With love,
Kelly Love