Why SKY - Allison Meck
WOW, where do I began? Let’s start back in the Fall/Winter when I talked to Murphy Jo about going to camp!
She was SOOOOO excited and when I told her it was going to be Young Riders she could not stop talking about going to camp! Well as time went on, this first time camper momma started to get very worried and stressed out :( When we got an email about Mother Daughter Weekend I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get a sneak peek at camp!
It was a perfect timing too because it was right round Murphy Jo’s 10th birthday!! She was excited and it gave me a chance to see what Sky Ranch looked like and what went on at camp! Not only did I get to see what camp was all about but I also got my socks knocked off with so many blessings!
Murphy Jo and I grew so much closer, she opened up in ways I didn’t think a 10 year old could..... this will definitely be a yearly outing for us! Not only did I get the blessing of seeing her overcome some fears..... I met one of the sweetest most genuine ladies.... she talked to me about what to expect at camp and about the awesome group called Sky Ranch Sky Moms..... Tori has the sweetest heart for all us new mommas and continues to grow all the more experienced mommas!!
I joined their Facebook group and have learned soooo much about how to be ready for our first camp experience!! One of the best tools was going to Tips and Tricks night in Plano!!! WOW!!! She brought in a very experienced momma named Hillary who has this packing down to a T!!! The things I learned were soooo helpful!!!!
So now lets fast forward to camp!!!! I had done all that Hillary had told us to do and when I opened Murphy Jo’s trunk ALL the mommas and the counselors could not believe how organized it was! I had EVERYTHING labeled. One momma said “oh, my goodness you are so organized... I didn’t label anything”... Murphy Jo’s sweet counselor could not believe how organized it was and over and over she said “can I join Sky Moms”
Sky Ranch will definitely be something we do year after year. The arrival was so seamless.... the way the counselors welcomed us and the excitement in the air gave me so much peace! I had no doubt that she was in good hands and that she was going to have a great week! I am very thankful for Tori and the Sky Moms for helping us be prepared so we can enjoy drop off!!!! I can not wait to experience more of Sky Moms this year and hopefully help other first time camper moms have the experience I had:)
Laugh and Smile always,
Allison Meck