Why SKY?
Thanks to my husband and mom, Ainsley and I just returned from a Mother Daughter Weekend retreat at Sky Ranch. It was life-changing for us. So many soul cleansing tears were shed. For the first time EVER, I felt truly connected to my girl.
We had an absolute blast doing everything from the power pole, to the craft. She opened up to me over the questions at dinner last night and then after playing games and eating ice cream, I got her outside to a bench along the soccer field, where we watched the fireworks and then I gave her my blessing letter. I don't know the last time that I got to just hold her in my arms like that and squeeze her so tight. Her note she wrote me during Q&A now sits on my nightstand and I will cherish it forever.
I can not thank you and the staff enough, for what y'all do. All the girls we encountered were so precious and sweet! As one of them mentioned in Q&A, y'all are reflecting Jesus so well! Your work has changed our family dynamic forever, in the best way possible. We can't wait for many more Sky Ranch adventures!