Waiting on Something Good? - Terrie Chevaillier
For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. Psalm 84:11
Are you waiting on something right now for yourself or one of your children? If so, take comfort and heart in this verse.
Right now, our family is waiting to hear back on a college application for one of our children. Psalm 84:11 was our “go to” verse when our oldest son was waiting to hear back on acceptance to his college of choice.
At times, I would start to doubt myself and how I should have encouraged better study habits or perhaps planned and paid for more tutoring for the entrance exams. In the waiting, I had to boss my feelings and look at this truth. I had to say out loud to myself, “If it would be a good thing for him to get into this college, the Lord promises to not withhold it.”
Even though we didn’t do everything right, His grace covered a multitude of his and my failures as we took them to the cross and asked Him to cover those areas with His grace and forgiveness. His failures as a student and mine as a parent. I am thankful to share that he got in and it was a great thing for him and he has since graduated and is working in a job he enjoys. Even after graduation, this continues to be a “go to” verse that I pray for him and I see God’s faithfulness amidst a life with successes and setbacks or failures.
Today I pray this verse for my other son, but same season and reason of waiting! Either way- we know it will be good. That is what He promises!