The TRUE REASON for the Season!
Dear Sky Ranch Family,
Let’s together, celebrate the reason for each season! My prayer for your family is that every Christmas be filled with His presence and joy as you share the love of our Savior. Enjoy a special time with your family that is full of tradition. If you do not share many traditions, that’s okay because it is never too late to start a tradition. It becomes a tradition when you start it!
Our family has enjoyed many traditions over the years. Christmas is by far when we share many of our favorite traditions. I’d like to share a tradition with you.
“Happy Birthday Jesus”
Since the first child was born in the family, the Happy Birthday Jesus Cake has been a tradition in our home for Christmas helping to reinforce the TRUE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
Up until the youngest child at our annual family gathering no longer believed in Santa Claus, Santa himself would deliver the Happy Birthday Jesus Birthday Cake on the Eve of Christmas. Santa would come into the house with the cake and everyone would sing happy birthday to Jesus, blow out the candles and listen intently with wide eyes as Santa Claus would share all of the symbolism of the cake.
Today, the tradition remains, but Santa Claus no longer joins us for the Christmas Eve gatherings. One family is designated each year to make the cake and lead the tradition.
The cake is a Chocolate Cake made with cherry filling inside. It is frosted with butter cream frosting, decorated as noted below:
Chocolate Cake – This chocolate cake symbolizes our sin nature through and through.
(Romans 3:23 and Isaiah 53:6)
Cherry Pie Filling – The red symbolizes the blood of Christ shed for us. (Ephesians 1:7 and Hebrews 9:22)
White Cream Icing – Symbolizes the righteousness of Christ without blemish which covers up our sin. When we put it on, God sees our sin no more. It still does not change our basic nature though. The cake is still chocolate. (Romans 4:24 andIsaiah 61:10)
Decorations On The Top Of the Cake –
- Place a star for Bethlehem, Christ’s birthplace.
(Matthew 2:1-12, Luke 2:1-6) - Place an angel to symbolize the herald of Christ’s birth.
(Luke 1:26-38, 2:8-20) - Place 3 red candles on the cake. The number 3 symbolizes the trinity. (John 14, John 1:15, 10-14, 18, Genesis 1:26,3:22, 11:7, Isaiah 6:8)
- Place evergreens around the cake or cake plate to symbolize the eternal life we have through Christ.
(John 3:16, 1 John 5:11-12)
~Linda Paulk