The Lord will go before your children - Terrie Chevaillier
You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Psalm 139:5 (NLT)
He has gone before them, is currently going before them, and will go before them. It only takes a few minutes of thinking to get you started on the ways that one choice led to another then to another and you connect the hand of God and His blessing over your child.
For my family, it looked like a move to Texas where we bought a house on a street where a mom invited me to the most life changing bible study. On the other end of the street an 8-year-old boy who is now 21 years old invited my 8-year-old son to Sky Ranch. I took a job where a co- worker invited me to her church and that’s where my family grew and was discipled.
Just this past year, my then 8-year-old son who is now out of college and working in Dallas interviewed for a job. Guess what, he interviewed with a few men who attended the same college as he did. Another guy lived in the town where he went to high school. Another guy sent his kids to Sky Ranch and another man was also a small group leader at the church we attended from that long ago invite. All of these experiences were on his resume and therefore opened up lots of discussion. He got the job! We could literally trace God’s hand connecting relationships from third grade to three years out of college! These weren’t just random coincidences.
Tori and I were recently talking about what peace it gave us when we knew that our kids were going to college and already had relationships with other kids and counselors from their itty-bitty days all the way through the life map at Sky Ranch! These are now their roommate and sorority sisters and BCA brothers! Tori mentioned had she been able to then connect the dots, before they go to college, it would have made that pre empty nest season a little less unsettling as she looked to the future for her girls outside of their hometown. God had gone before our children and He had used Sky Ranch to do so! We now see so clearly!
Take heart in whatever season you are in. Pre-K through college into adulthood, God’s got it! Your part is to pray, disciple, trust, train and watch! He is faithful and He WILL DO IT!
- Terrie Chevaillier