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The Blessing of Summer

How many summers do you have left with your children at home?

It's a question I've asked many moms over the past ten years or so. Go ahead. Count 'em. Do you have a lump in your throat yet?

Summertime. A smile comes across my face as I say the word. It's the best time, isn't it? It boils down to one word for me. Time.

How will I spend my time with my children this summer?

It goes by so quickly. Don't let August arrive again wishing you would have done the things you planned on doing. Make time.

Make time for those hard conversations. Use the time this summer to have intentional conversations with your children you know you need to have. Later bedtimes lend themselves to purposeful and meaningful convos.

Make time for holding hands. Make time for late night laughs.

Make time for God's word. Choose a book of the Bible to read through this summer. Help your children do the same. Spend time each week sharing what God is teaching you through His word.

Make time for long meals around the table. Let the whole family contribute to the meal and after-meal clean up!

Make time for intentional moments. Make time for sunrises and sunsets.

Make time for the things you don't have time for during the school year.

Mom, you’re the heartbeat of your home! Choose today to live everyday with purpose. Purposeful living takes thoughtful planning. So before you go to bed tonight, plan tomorrow.