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SkyMoms > Parenting Tips, News & Events, Scripture

That will only last a little while - Sarah​ Fincher

As a new mom I was completely discouraged at how often I’d hear, “That will only last a little while.”

Whether it was from cloth diapering, working full time (and the desire to be a stay at home mom in the future), or no screen use; I was amazed at how quickly other moms would discourage rather than encourage. As a new mom, like all moms, I wanted to do what was best for my daughter but felt like when discussing with others, everyone wanted to interject their opinions rather than hear mine! Why couldn’t we have different thoughts, opinions, and ways of raising our children?

Then I realized this was the beginning of motherhood. As I wrestled with frustration and discouragement the Lord spoke through several women in my life with the idea “This is your family not anyone else’s.” These words were so power for me to set the groundwork for the type of mom and wife I wanted to be. It gave me peace in knowing in parenthood there is so much thrown at us from friends and family to social media, but I had to develop what I believe God was telling me was most important for our family. It looks very different from other families, other mom’s might think I am crazy over something I choice to do or not do, but God called me to my family and not theirs. I found a small group of Godly women I can trust, seek Godly guidance from, and am still learning to shut out the discouragement (I believe this is a lifetime lesson for me ).

I pray wherever you are on your journey in motherhood whether you have grown kids or a new mom, you would find these women in your live and focus on how God as called you to raise your kids. Would we would be women who always encourage each other and constantly point each other to Jesus.

Written by one of our own Sky Ranch Staff...
Sarah​ Fincher
Cave Springs Camp Director