Teaching Humility by Lisa Clark
"Mom, what's HUMILITY? I keep hearing that word!"
The best way for parents to teach humility is to model it. But we're only able to be humble in thought, word and deed because of the true servant who modeled it for us all, Jesus Christ. So telling the story of Jesus to our children teaches them what humility looks like and how we are able to be humble in this world of "all about me" and self-centeredness.
Jesus Christ left the glories of heaven to come to earth and be a man. He left his Father. He left all adoration and praise to be a man on earth so that we could have hope. He left all majesty, honor and glory to come to earth. He was a King. And he came to save us. He left his kingdom to come to earth and save us.
He was raised as a carpenter's son, learning carpentry by trade. He lived modestly, and at times had "not a place to rest his head" at night. He learned all he could from his teachers, was obedient to his parents, worked hard, resisted Satan and had no sin in his life. Never a bad thought. Never a disagreeable tone. No envy. No jealousy. No covetousness. Never pinched his siblings in the car. No sin. Perfect. And he lived this out in an imperfect world full of all kinds of filthy sin.
He was beaten, brutally, and nailed to a cross. All the while pursuing us. Forgiving us. Loving us. He died and rose 3 days later because he wanted us to have a relationship with his Father and we couldn't without him. There's no hope for us without Jesus. He never quit pursuing us.
We don't deserve what he did for us. But he did it anyway.
That's humility.