How did I get here? - Sue Stoltzfus
"The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."
Psalm 37:23 (NLT)
Have you ever wondered how you got into a certain situation? Almost every day, as I look around & see the beautiful snow-capped Rocky Mountains, I ask myself, "How did I get here? Is this for real?"
My husband, Mike, is the Camp Director at Sky Ranch Horn Creek in Westcliffe, CO. Since August 2019, I've had the pleasure of calling this beautiful area my home. We live on the side of Horn Peak at 9200 feet elevation, in the Sangre de Cristo mountains (southern part of the Rockies). We are originally from Pennsylvania & spent 12 years in the Carolinas in church ministry, so how did we get here? It was a dream of ours to be in Christian camping, but we always thought it was just our dream. As we placed our trust in Jesus, He guided & directed our steps; He put the desire into our hearts to be a part of Sky Ranch; He stretched, grew, equipped & prepared us for this ministry. Things weren't always easy along the way, but there is no denying that our God has always been faithful! He is the only One who could have made this happen & He alone gets all the glory, honor & praise. We realize now that it wasn't just our dream, but part of God's perfect plan for our lives.
Have you been dreaming about something? Is there something that's been burning in your heart, mind & spirit for a long time? Is there a thought or idea that you can't forget about & you always come back to over & over again? Maybe it's not just a dream; perhaps it's part of God's perfect plan for your life? "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." (Ps 37:23). The Lord will guide & direct you down the path that He wants you to go. He will place desires in your heart & give you the gifts & abilities to fulfill His perfect plan for your life & for His Kingdom. You have the choice to listen to His voice or take matters into your own hands & do your own thing, which usually tends to not work out very well. (Isn't it funny how we often think that we know better than our Father, who created us & knows every intricate detail about us? I mean, when am I going to learn that my Father knows me better than anyone else, & He wants the absolute best for me? As parents, that's exactly what we want for our children - the absolute best).
I pray that as you pray & seek the face of God, that you will hear His voice & be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do all that He wants you to do. I pray that as you trust Him completely & you surrender your will to His, that the Father's plan for your life will unfold as He directs your steps. I pray that everything you do points others to Jesus as His love overflows through you in your words & actions.
Written by one of our own Sky Ranch Staff...
Sue Stoltzfus
Operations Specialist at Horn Creek