Mother Son Weekend - Tori Miller
I had the incredible blessing of attending and serving alongside Sky Ranch staff and counselors this past weekend at Mother Son Weekend. Going into this parent-child weekend, I was very prayerful about how my heart would feel watching the mother-son relationships...as my two sons are sweet angels that live in heaven.
You see, I delivered triplets at 22 weeks - Kolin was stillborn, Kyle lived for three months and Kyndall our surviving triplet daughter is now 23 years old and happily married. We were also blessed with another daughter Sterling, who is 21 years old and a senior year at Texas A&M. I am a blessed mom who has had the awesome opportunity to raise only girls.
So, I have never been to a weekend like this and watched this dynamic-mother-son-duo but, it was exactly what I needed as the Lord reveled in the sweetest way how special this relationship is FOR ME!
As I watched mom after mom come to dinner Saturday night dressed up as Superhero’s, holding their sons hands I was struck with an immediate grateful heart. I realized that these moms are truly MY Superhero as they are doing all they can, investing precious time this weekend, training their sons day in and day out to be Godly men who will someday be a husband to a “girl moms” daughter. Additionally, those sons will one day be son-in-law’s and how they interact with their moms and the investment she is making will not only affect daughters but also the future MOTHER-IN-LAWS. Needless to say, my heart is so full as I am overcome with gratefulness for all the boys moms out there raising Godly men!
Tori Miller
Sky Ranch SkyMom Director