Man's Best Friend - Terrie Chevaillier
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24
Let me just start by making it very clear that I love our dog Starsky. He brings so much joy and fun to our family. In fact, he was an answer to a very specific prayer I was praying in regards to a perfect pet who would fit uniquely into our family. God answered,and Starsky found his way to our home through a series of very random and stray events. God wove a lot of twists and turns for him to make his way through our front door. We have enjoyed his unconditional love towards our family for eight years and we hope for many more to come!
With that said, I have had a few interesting conversations with young girls in their 20’s who have this same love for their dog. They arrange their work schedule and time away from home around their best friend and make sure they aren’t gone too long. The care and concern that these girls show their pets is excellent, I must say!
So far so good.
What’s not so good is they have all shared that they are just done with relationships. Guys have let them down, other girls talk behind their backs, they don’t have a safe circle of friends to process life struggles with and so guess what…? Their dog seems to provide a safer and more loving place of companionship than the world seems to offer. One girl even went on to share that she now preferred to just go home from work and hang out with her dogs and search online dating sites. When I asked her about her experience with church, she went on to say that girls she meets at church seem to have their own circle of friends and they just aren’t interested in meeting anyone else.
The first conversation I had that went along those lines wasn’t disturbing and didn’t really seem that abnormal. But when I was in a place to serve and be around some other unmarried girls in their late 20’s, the theme seemed to be somewhat common.
So what’s a mom with young children or teens in the home to do? Pray, model, encourage, teach, and train that relationships are God’s design for His people! He created us to love Him and love People. Animals and all of the rest of His creation are to be enjoyed, but first and foremost we are each other’s gift and relational blessings to one another to show the love of Jesus to the world.
Teach them how to be a reliable friend as you model how to be a reliable friend in your circles. Allow room to widen your perfectly designed circles to those outside who might be looking in and desire to share in the fellowship or fun they see you having. Show them what it means to stick close even when things are messy in relationships. Share with them how you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty and “do hard” with others in the trenches.
After you have done that, then go love on your dog and enjoy all the other gifts of God’s creation that are meant for our pleasure!