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Life Pillars - Angie Tingle

Something that I wish I had started at a young age is to pay attention to Life Pillars!

These pillars are the “load bearing walls” as we build our “home,” our life, on the rock of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 7:24-27)  

The storms of life will come.  And, when they do, be found standing by your God!  He wants you to be found standing and so He says that these “pillars” represent His greatest commandment for us. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 22:37-39)

HEART PILLAR:  Where is your treasure?

Keep eternity in your eyesight when walking into the day.  Jesus reminds us to keep eternity as the focus of our heart, because where our heart (emotion) is attached that place will become the focus of our thoughts and then our actions will follow. (Matthew 6:19-21)  Remembering this helps me to pause when responding to circumstances and to people.

SOUL PILLAR:  Walk with God

Have a personal, intimate, daily walk with the Lord. Memorizing His Word, thinking about it (meditating on it), and reading it.  This is your “plum line” for Truth in life.  This pillar keeps God in His rightful place and helps us recognize idols that might try to take root in our lives. 

MIND PILLAR: Take every thought captive

It is so important to take every thought captive to obey Jesus Christ.  (2 Corinthians 10:5) We are told what to think about and we are told to practice.  (Philippians 4:8-9)  This helps to keep the lies from Satan out of our brains. 

MIGHT PILLAR: Exercise, food, work and rest

This pillar represents, for me, physically caring for myself on purpose.  (This becomes more important as you get older!!) This pillar begins with eating right, getting enough sleep at night, and exercise during the day.  When I do this, I always seem to be able to respond to life circumstances better!  (I can get grumpy when I am overly tired or hungry!!)  Rest includes choosing to be still & allowing time for play – stepping away from the regular grind of life, reading a book, enjoying the great outdoors, journaling, taking a trip to a beautiful place, or whatever you come up with alone or with others!

It makes my heart smile to think of you setting your own pillars in place as you build your house on the rock of Jesus Christ!  

Love God.  Love others.

Love always,

Angie Tingle