It was the best.day.ever - Blog by Tasha Calvert
Our third daughter, Cosette (Cozy), has been a Sky Ranch camper for 9 years. Had we not attended Sky Ranch Family Camp prior to sending Cozy to camp in Van, TX we probably would have thought she joined a cult. After her first summer session Cozy was instantly hooked-on and loyal-to Sky Ranch. Still is.
Cami, our fourth daughter, attended summer camp in Van for the first time in the summer of 2020, and returned this past summer. Cami is nine. She’s very smart and socially savvy—which comes naturally when you have two adults and a 16-year old as sisters. But, for all her brains and maturity, Cami had yet to make a decision to follow Christ. She had interest. She asked questions. She believed the Bible and would admit she loved Jesus, but I never felt like she was initiating the decision…until this summer.
I was in Austin in July, visiting my oldest daughter and son-in-law, when my husband called. He was on his way home from picking Cami up from Sky Ranch.
“Hey, Babe” he said, “Cami has something she wants to tell you”.
“Mom, I made a decision to ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior at Sky Ranch, and my counselor said to tell you, and tell a pastor and then get baptized!”.
She was so thrilled.
Because of what I do for a living (I’m the Women’s Minister at my church) I naturally drilled down on her, making sure she understood her decision. She did. And though we’ve certainly done our best to teach the gospel in our home and through our church, it was clear that Sky Ranch counselors had poured into her, one-on-one, to shepherd her through this most important decision.
A few weekends ago, with all her sisters and grandparents in town, and her best friend in the audience, Cami got to stand before our entire church and profess her faith in Christ through the act of baptism. It was the best.day.ever (her words). The pastor shared her testimony, which proudly included the moment she was saved at Sky Ranch. We’ve loved Sky Ranch for a long time—because they are a great camp, with great people and great facilities. But, we love Sky Ranch even more now—because they see the big picture and focus on our big God. A God that will walk with my daughter, Cami, now and for the rest of her life.
Tasha Calvert