It’s Friday (today). But Sunday’s Coming! - Tori Miller
It’s Friday (today). But Sunday’s Coming!
For many Good Friday's throughout my lifetime I have heard this portion (https://youtu.be/8gx6_rGLz20) of S.M. Lockridge sermon. It has impacted me more today than ever before! I want to encourage you with the truth that no matter how dark it may have seemed on that Friday or during these unprecedented times, there is hope in Jesus because Sunday's coming!
I want to share a few lines of S.M. Lockridge's message:
I know it's Friday. But thanks be to God that Sunday's coming!
It's Friday.
Jesus is praying.
Peter's a sleeping.
Judas is betraying.
But Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
Pilate's struggling.
The council is conspiring.
The crowd is vilifying.
They don't even know that Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
The disciples are running
Like sheep without a shepherd.
Mary's crying.
Peter is denying.
But they don't know that Sunday's a comin'.
It's Friday.
The Romans beat my Jesus.
They robe him in scarlet.
They crown him with thorns.
But they don't know that Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
See Jesus walking to Calvary.
His blood dripping.
His body stumbling.
And his spirit's burdened.
But you see, it's only Friday.
Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
The world's winning.
People are sinning.
And evil's grinning.
It's Friday.
The soldiers nail my Savior's hands to the cross.
They nail my Savior's feet to the cross.
And then they raise him up next to criminals.
It's Friday.
But let me tell you something,
Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
The disciples are questioning.
What has happened to their King.
And the Pharisees are celebrating
That their scheming has been achieved.
But they don't know It's only Friday.
Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
He's hanging on the cross.
Feeling forsaken by his Father.
Left alone and dying.
Can nobody save him?
Ooooh It's Friday.
But Sunday's comin'.
It's Friday.
The earth trembles.
The sky grows dark.
My King yields his spirit.
It's Friday.
Hope is lost.
Death has won.
Sin has conquered and Satan's just a laughin'.
It's Friday.
Jesus is buried.
A soldier stands guard.
And a rock is rolled into place.
But it's Friday. It is only Friday.
Sunday is a comin'!
As you and your family gather to celebrate Easter this year, I pray that you will be reminded that the death of Jesus was not the end of the story. When Jesus told His disciples of His death, He was always faithful to remind them that He would also be raised on the third day! Yes, He proclaimed that Sunday was coming!
Sunday did come. The women, who had followed Christ, went to the tomb at daybreak and found that the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty. An Angel was there as asked them the question, “Why do you seek the living among the dead, He is alive just as He said!” They ran back to the other disciples to tell them what they had seen and they too, ran to the garden tomb to find that His body was not there. Hallelujah, He is risen indeed!
Tori Miller
Sky Ranch SkyMom Director