Is It Possible To Be Content In 2017?
a state of happiness and satisfaction.
It’s an interesting word in 2017. Contentment. Is it just me or do we not use this word much any more? Being content today seems to paint a picture of an under-achiever or one who is lazy. And yet by definition, contentment is a “state of happiness and satisfaction.”
Isn’t that what we want in our lives and for our families?
Contentment certainly isn’t synonymous with September and the start of school. We are all too eager to get back in the swing of things and bring on the activity!!! Games, practices, homework, lessons, meetings, luncheons, extracurricular, and the list goes on!
A collective sigh of relief that “we’re back to normal!”
But I learned a great lesson from my friend, Anne, one day as I was going from lesson to lesson and practice to practice with my eldest daughter and baby on board, along for the ride. We dropped by Anne’s house to hang out for a few minutes while we had a break between guitar practice and gymnastics, and the strangest thing was happening.
She and her kiddos were playing a game in the middle of the living room floor.
What? Why weren’t they out and about pursing their dreams? For heaven’s sake, her children were 8 and 5! It was go time!“
Anne, Is this your daily afternoon routine? Or is this just an off day?” I asked.
She replied in the softest voice ever, “You know, Lisa, I choose to cherish the days. There will be plenty of time to do all those things when my children are older and can choose for themselves what they’d like to pursue. I choose today to enjoy our little family and make memories together. I just don’t think the rush is right for us. We’re choosing contentment.”
It’s a choice. We have a choice.
Consider this: Pray. Pray over your schedule. Pray over your family’s schedule. Pray over all those activities. Pray over the teams you join. Pray over what you say YES to and what you say NO to. It’s all a choice. Choosing to be content isn’t choosing for mediocrity. It’s choosing joy. It’s choosing happiness. It might not look like your neighbor’s choice. But it might be right for your family."
Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.” Philippians 4:11