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SkyMoms >

Introducing The New SkyMom's Ministry Director

Summer is coming and we have so many things to be excited about!

For me, the most obvious and recent is that I have accepted the role of SkyMoms Ministry Director. I am so excited that God has led me to be a part of the Sky Ranch team. The mission of SkyMoms is to encourage and equip moms as they disciple, teach, and love their families – the opportunity to participate in an organization that impacts youth and families in such a tremendous way is a joy-filled blessing.

For our family, our Sky Ranch journey began with Ryder, my middle schooler. I was invited to a SkyMoms luncheon a couple of years ago where I heard about this incredible camping ministry – we signed Ryder up for camp and have been a Sky Ranch family ever since!
By way of introduction, my husband Chase and I live in Argyle, Texas. We are parents to three amazing kids – Ryder, Addyson, and Myles. I am originally from Kansas, but have come to love everything about living in North Texas during my 10 years here – the energy, activity, and genuine kindness that comes so naturally to people in this area is inspiring and contagious. While my professional background is in corporate and pharmaceutical sales, I have had the opportunity to spend the bulk of the past nine years at home, raising my littles and volunteering for various school and ministry related organizations.

God has given me a passion for creating community and connecting and encouraging fellow moms through the love of Christ. The position of SkyMoms Ministry Director allows the opportunity to connect with camper moms and I can’t wait to meet you at camp this summer!

Please stop by the SkyMoms table inside the Legacy Building on Sundays after you leave your sweet campers in their cabins – I would love to say hello and begin to put names with faces! We are currently setting the schedule for our SkyMoms luncheons throughout the north Texas area – I would love to visit with you about the possibility of hosting a table for us, as we continue to spread the message about the power of camp!