If Satan Loves To Isolate, Then God Is In Community
Are you in community? It’s an IN word right now, isn’t it? It just rolls off your tongue...
It’s biblical. Did you know that? We are to be IN fellowship with other believers. It’s good for us. We were created FOR community.
Acts 2:42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
All of this took place after the church was established, and THEN what happened as a result of their obedience? Shock and awe. That’s right. They were AWED by the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. (Acts 2:43)
So we (the church) have these marching orders: Study the word. Fellowship together as believers, break bread, and pray.
Our marching orders are COMMUNITY.
October is such a great month for community. It’s chilly outside, there’s chili inside, and our hearts are full.
And yet when we experience heartache or trouble, we lean towards isolation.
Isolation makes us a sitting duck for the enemy’s attacks. And he will pounce.
When we’re down and out, feeling less than, hurting, needing help, we MUST reach out to our people. We need them, and they need us. We were created for each other.
Do you have community? Do you have a body of believers with whom you fellowship? If the answer is no, then do something about it. Pray for God to bring you to a place (church body) for you and your family. There’s a place for everyone. And there’s no perfect place. We were created for community. Not for isolation.
I heard it said recently, “When things are going bad, God is up to something good.” I like that perspective. God cares. And He gives us each other to remind us.