Do You Need To Kick-Start Your Community?
October is the beginning of the holiday season. Pumpkins, lattes, gatherings ‘round the fire…aaaahhhhhh. It seriously is MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR. I love FALL so much that when Brad and I got engaged in December 1985, I begged him to wait until the FALL to get married! And he said apprehensively, “okay.” October 4th will be our 31st anniversary!
Yea US!
With the coming of the holiday season comes opportunities to gather, reflect, celebrate and open OUR doors.
In Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” he devotes an entire section to COMMUNITY. We were created for each other. We need each other.
"We discover our role in life through our relationships
with others." - Rick Warren
Community. It’s vital. But it’s not always pretty. And it takes work.
Why does community take work? Relationships are hard. And when we do community right, the masks come off, and we discover that no one has it all together, that no one has a perfect life, and that no one doesn’t have baggage.
But that’s the good stuff. We are more alike than we think we are. Relationships are messy. But they're OUR mess! Let’s get messy!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Invite someone over today. Put a pumpkin on the front porch. BAM! You’ve decorated for FALL! Put a pot of coffee on and serve it with PUMPKIN SPICE creamer! BAM! A FALL LATTE is served! See? That was so easy! Don’t try to be THE PIONEER WOMAN overnight. Just invite. Open your doors. And fellowship.
- Get involved in your church home group, Bible fellowship class, or small group. Don’t just sit back and WAIT for someone to call you! Call them! Plan a get together. Most likely, everyone is looking for friends but everyone is waiting on a call. Be proactive!
- Plan a get together for your kids and their friends. Buy a dozen pumpkins and host a pumpkin carving party! Serve cider and a place for fellowship. This shows your kiddos how to be hospitable and form community. My friend, Sara, hosts one every year for her kids and their friends. It’s become a tradition! I love it.
- Bake some pumpkin bread and bless your neighbors. Our Bible fellowship class is learning how to be a good neighbor right now, and Becky is leading the way. Her blog is full of “good neighboring” ideas. Check it out, here!
Enjoy this month of cooler weather, sweaters, s’mores and more…and be a blessing!
"A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree." Proverbs 11:28 (MSG)