Defeated No More - Lainie Montgomery
Defeated. Moms, you know the feeling: The plan for a homecooked dinner that turns into another crazy, eat-on-the-run meal; the intentional family devotional time that turns into a sibling wrestling match; the unwanted comparison game that leaves you feeling discontent and unsatisfied; the heartbreak of a broken relationship you don’t know how to fix; the words and tones you wish you could unwind.
We all understand this anthem of defeat and if you are like me, when your head hits the pillow at night you replay your failures, fears, disappointments, comparison, worry, shame, anger and exhaustion. The enemy wants us to sit in the rut of defeat instead of moving forward in His grace and love. He wants to steal our song and hide our joy.
This is Holy Week, the week leading up to the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I want to encourage you as you read the Bible stories to remember that it isn’t just a story, it is His Story. Jesus changed everything. The story of Easter is the most beautiful story of brokenness restored. Let me remind you that Jesus took every failure and defeated it. He took it because He loved us. He took it so we wouldn’t have to carry it.
Kari Jobe is one of my favorite worship leaders because her lyrics speak the Word of God…Image this moment:
The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated
Think about those lyrics and the Truth that they proclaim. We serve a risen King who defeated death. Defeated, overpowered and crushed the guilt we never need to pick up again. His love for you is perfect and powerful. To that we sing Halleluiah!
As our act of worship this week, let’s not live another day as though we are defeated. We have been rescued, redeemed and ransomed. If we know Jesus Christ, we are freer than we have ever been. We don’t have to carry our shame, brokenness, loneliness, and failures. We don’t have to carry our spouse’s or our children’s either. Instead we get to walk in the victory of forgiveness, redemption, adoption and grace.
Leave defeat at the door and don’t allow it in your heart or your home. Walk in Truth and grace. Model His love to your family. Stand confidently in His promises. Speak life. Claim victory. You are defeated no more.