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Christ in Christmas by Lisa Clark
We have to be intentional to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas or the worldly stuff finds it’s way into our homes. Here are some thoughts to remember WHOSE birthday it is we’re celebrating!
- 3 gifts – Jesus received 3 gifts for His birth…so maybe 3 is enough for our kiddos, too? (Matthew 2:1-12)
- An empty seat at the table – Leaving a chair for Jesus at the Christmas table is a reminder to all that it’s His party!
- Happy Birthday, Jesus! – Bake a cake and celebrate!!
- Advent – Daily, intentional and all month long! There are all kinds of Advent studies, devotionals and apps to join in!
- Serve – Jesus, the Lamb of God. His life was about laying His life down. What better way to celebrate His coming to earth than to serve each other, neighbors, and those God puts in our path?
- The Christmas Story – Read it before any gifts are opened to remind all gathered ‘round that He is the Reason for the Season! (Luke 2:1-20)
Merry Christmas!