A summer to remember - Lisa Clark
Make the Summer of 2019 One to Remember!!!
So here’s a question for you to ponder…How many summers do you have left with your kiddos at home? I’ll give you a minute…
It’s a sobering thought, isn’t it? Whether you’ve got 18, 8 or 0, it’s not enough. And we all know how quickly summer goes.
So make this summer one to remember!!! How? Well, here are some ideas:
There are so many FUN things to do in the summer. But you have to do YOUR homework and research. Libraries are free! Take a field trip once a week and let the kiddos check out as many books as they can read in the week, and READ!!! It’s free and it’s good for their brain! Readers are leaders!!! Libraries are also air-conditioned. Amen?
Other free summer options include board games, forts and picnics! Keep it simple! Your kids don’t have to be entertained 24/7!
Have you made a SUMMER 2019 TO DO LIST?
I love seeing these posts. Lemonade Stands, Six Flags, Bake a cake, Clean the closet, celebrate birthdays, 4th of July parade and nighttime swimming are some of the ideas I’ve seen! Write your list and let the kids cross off each activity as you complete them. So fun and intentional!
What a great way to stimulate learning and grow spiritually at the same time! I loved the ABCs of Scripture when my girls were young. You can make your own! Find a scripture for every letter of the alphabet. A – All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23, B, C, etc. Do half the alphabet this summer and the other half next summer! Boom!!!
No explanation necessary. Kids will stay on their electronics for as long as you let them. So limits are good. For everybody.
One summer we decided to learn to bake. But we didn’t want a bunch of sweets sitting around tempting us. Every item we baked found a home at a neighbor’s house who had recently had a baby, or a sick friend’s, or we took some to a bible study gathering and even a nursing home. We learned to cook and serve that summer. It was fun!
Last but not least, gather around your table, eat and talk. Once a week, twice a week, whatever you can do, but gather. What a joy to come together as a family, in the relaxed setting of summer, and enjoy each other’s company.
MOM, you’re the heartbeat of your home. You steer the ship! So be intentional, get creative and MAKE IT A SUMMER TO REMEMBER!
~Lisa Clark