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A Mother Daughter Weekend and God's Plan Through Sky Ranch

Hi friends, my name is Sydney Woychesin.

I have gone to Sky Ranch summer camp for 6 years now, and have loved every second of it! Sky Ranch and I have a lot of history. In the spring of 2010, my mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer. My parents did not tell me about this at first because they did not want me to worry about my mom. My mom did not know what the outcome was going to be and was really worried about potentially not being there for me.

She decided that we should get away to bond and grow closer as mother and daughter, so she went to the internet searching for mother daughter retreats. Sky Ranch was the first thing that popped up on her browser, and I am eternally grateful for that.

In the fall of 2010, we went to our first mother daughter retreat in Van, TX. Little did I know that I would be back several times over the course of my life. The excitement of the counselors and staff was overwhelming as we walked into the activity center that day. The staff’s smiles made us feel so welcome and at home. Over the course of the weekend we were engaged in several activities around camp as well as theme nights, worship, and Bible study. All of these things brought me and my mom closer and we are both so thankful for Sky Ranch and all they have done for us. At the end of the weekend we received a coupon for summer camp in Van. My mom automatically signed me up for summer camp and ever since then I have attended camp at Sky Ranch every summer.

That following summer I went to camp in Van. The atmosphere was amazing and all of the counselors were super excited that I was there, making sure I had a great time. A full week away from my parents was hard for a 4th grader, but camp mail was awesome for me to receive, knowing that my parents missed me too! Each day we were involved in a multitude of activities and had set aside time for Bible studies, small groups, and one on one’s. That summer I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. The decision I made that summer has changed me forever. The combination of extreme fun and Jesus easily makes Sky Ranch one of my favorite places ever! Every year after that I have returned to camp, excited and ready to learn more about God and his plan for me.

As I grew older, I had the opportunity to enroll into the leadership camp that Sky Ranch offers. At this point in my life, I knew who Jesus was and that He died for me and all of my sins that I have committed, but I did not have a relationship with Him. Throughout Morph and Quest leadership camps I have found my identity in Christ pursuing a personal relationship with Him. Morph and Quest camps have more set aside time for deeper and challenging Bible studies which I have loved. This summer I had the opportunity to go to the Horn Creek campus for Quest Colorado. The staff both there and in Van are equally as excited and pumped to see you. Every summer I have returned the same week (the past two years landing on my birthday) and the relationships that I have formed have changed me forever.  I have several counselors and friends that I continue to keep in touch with and am beyond blessed to have all of them in my life. All of these girls are God-fearing ladies that have loved, prayed, and encouraged me and I will look up to them for the rest of my life. These people have inspired me to work at a Christian day camp, sharing the gospel with children every day! My hope is to eventually return to Sky Ranch as a counselor, changing lives in the same place mine was changed. Sky Ranch has been a huge part of my walk with the Lord and I cannot express enough how thankful I am for every single staff member who has made an impact in my life.

I am also excited to announce that I have been invited to return to Colorado this summer for two weeks as a Sigma! Sigma is Sky Ranch’s last tier of leadership camp and I will be attending Sigma Junior for juniors in high school. I am super excited for what the Lord has planned this summer for me, Sky Ranch, and all of the campers who will go through Sky Ranch’s gates. If my mom would not have typed into that search bar I would not have met so many people who love the Lord and care for me so much. I am convinced the Lord knew from the beginning of time that Sky Ranch would quickly become my home away from home and it is amazing to think that a God so great loves me so much.

Thanks for reading,

Sydney Woychesin