Lauren Sarter | Church Ministry | Sky Ranch
Lauren Sarter
Summer Staff Alumni
My journey with Sky Ranch began like many others. In the summer of 2013, my general interest in working at a camp quickly blossomed into a deep appreciation for a ministry that valued connection, biblical understanding & discipleship.
My first summer as a counselor with middle school girls was just the start of my journey investing in students. Over the next 7 years on both summer & full-time staff, I was given the opportunity to witness gospel hope shared, relationships restored & lives changed. My experiences in the Legacy Programs shaped my view of authentic and intentional living. The sanctification that came from doing life alongside others like the early church in the book of Acts was so humbling for me. That season of intense vulnerability, hard work & genuine discipleship encouraged me to consider transitioning into local church ministry afterwards.
I can see so clearly now how the Lord purposefully used the avenue of summer camp to draw me nearer to him. The deep roots that grew for me in East Texas led me to my current job on staff at a local church, working as the Junior High Director of Student Ministry. As I continue to share the same hope as I did years ago at the Ranch, I’m reminded of this: that the God of the universe exists to make himself known to believers and non-believers alike, and that He desires to have a real and intimate relationship with His children. I’m so thankful that Christ chose a sinner like me to take part in His kingdom work. My life is a small and simple reflection of the faithfulness that stems from obedience. I now get to see the work of the Life Map take place in the lives of students year-round. Through the blend of business and ministry that makes up the fabric of Sky Ranch’s DNA, children and families across Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado are coming to know and experience the work of Christ in their lives. I’m still so sincerely passionate about what I get to do by equipping young people to know the hope & love of Jesus Christ. Even though my connection to Sky Ranch looks different now, I still absolutely “LOVE MY JOB”!