Sky Ranch > The Fellowship

The trees are changing and so am I - Shayla McCormick

Coming into the Fellowship, I was considered to be the “quiet” fellow of the group of fourteen. I would not initiate any conversations with anyone and especially did not really care to get to know others, besides above the surface.

It honestly was terrifying when we were required to talk to thirteen other strangers about my life from birth to present with everything in between. And I mean everything...the good, the bad and the ugly. Since then, I have had the opportunity to travel with many of my “Fellow” friends to different places around Colorado and even travel to Texas. Instead of being the quiet, awkward fellow, I have still been the awkward fellow (some things never change) but this time one who really loves people for who they are and where they come from. 

The most recent experience was my time at Sky Ranch’s camp at Ute Trail. Myself and four other fellows had the opportunity to serve a group of Christian international leaders, who had come from different backgrounds and a much different lifestyle than I. Each of these people did not really know each other very well. Instead, they knew that they believed in the same God and Savior, and wanted to come together to be able to create a plan to reach more people for Christ. 

While at Ute Trail, I would go to the chapel every day to play piano and to just engage in God’s word before the work day. In those sweet moments, when I would be ready to head out, a guest walked through the door. Instead of being in a rush to get out the door, I decided to take the time to actually get to know the guest and their life story. This time was really amazing- picture this: me, in the chapel, about to walk out the door, and a guest, coming into the chapel to worship the same God. And us, coming together to share our stories and eventually worship God together under the same roof. God was present in this moment. 

We decided to sit down and talk about the cultural differences between worshipping God in America and worshipping God in Israel, and how we can experience freedom only through Jesus alone wherever that may be. The conversation involved being vulnerable with struggles in my own life and also being open to hear the life story of another believer. Our conversation concluded with praying together, first in English, then followed by me listening to prayer in Aramaic. It proved to me that there are several customs in worshipping God, and also many creative ways to reach people to build God’s kingdom. 

It all started with initiating a conversation. Something I would not have done three months ago.

The fellowship has changed me. When I look outside, the trees are beginning to change colors. Some are changing quicker than others. This is in relation to allowing God and the boldness to talk to other people to have the willingness to be changed.  Just like the trees, meeting and engaging with people has helped me to adjust to the season that God has omnisciently planned for me. I am so looking forward to it.

- Shayla McCormick