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Sky Ranch > The Fellowship

Post by Fellow Logan McDonald

I knew about the Fellowship for a few years from working as summer staff. I had no desire to do the Fellowship in the beginning. During my third summer, I began constantly thinking about and even talking about the Fellowship and what that looks like. I later talked with Lucas and Doug and at the end of summer camp, I was hired as the last guy to be a part of Fellows class 17! I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I didn’t really understand the Fellowship or what the program would consist of. It started off slow with training, which was good! This season of life has been so beneficial for me. From the community within the Fellowship, to the people who have been pouring into me outside the immediate community, to the way this job is lead, to the task and the expectation we hold ourselves to – I feel so encouraged, loved, and spurred on. We do monthly challenges that have been so helpful in producing discipline! We have read and memorized scripture, prayed, and journaled as a group, while also having individual challenges! These have helped me so much in growing in sanctification and understanding more about spiritual disciplines.

My favorite part is the environment/community aspect that I’ve experienced! I love east Texas and how it is so peaceful and full of wooded areas! It’s fun for me to go on walks together and catch up on how everyone is doing, creating opportunities to understand another person’s perspective/situation. As I have already mentioned the community that I have been given has been such a beautiful example of what pursuing Christ daily looks like. The community provides awesome opportunities for me to seek out wisdom from so many different perspectives, and different life stages that have all been through my current season in life. I say all of this to say I would recommend the Fellowship to everyone!!