Sky Ranch > The Fellowship

More than a Song - Carleigh Walker

When often asked the question “what is the Fellowship?” The response I typically give is a slight laugh and saying “ya know that’s a great question”. The day in the life of a Fellow can look many ways. Anything from waking up early and heading to the Party Pool to do lifeguard in-service, going to the Activity Center to pick up costumes for your Outdoor Education class you’ll be teaching later, grabbing an ax to chop firewood with Maintenance, or throwing on a polo and khakis to work late night arrivals. This doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the many things a Fellow can do in a day. That is what makes this job so interesting and fun and keeps you on a swivel at all times of the day. Once in the groove of the grit it takes to be a Fellow these tasks become your normal and no request seems unusual. As great and comfortable as it can be to get into a routine, it’s in these moments that you can find yourself viewing a task as just a task and forget to seek out how anything you do can be done as worship unto the Lord. The summer before beginning the Fellowship I got the privilege of being the Sigma Junior Manager and something I said oh so often to my campers and team was “Worship is more than a song.” Something I said over and over again to others was starting to become something that I no longer lived out myself. The Fellowship has grown me and shaped me in so many ways. For the sake of the blog, I’m going to spare you all the things I could say that could fill a book and just share this with you. It’s in those moments I listed above that I get to choose to worship in the mundane. I get to go to work every day and do every single thing I do with the heart posture of worship to the King of Kings. The reason I share this with you is that this is something you can put into practice right now no matter what job you’re in. Colossians 3:16-17 says “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Yes, worship can be done through song, and we should use the breath we’ve been given to sing and give it back to the one who’s given it to us but also it can be done in other ways. Through teaching others. Through giving thanks in all circumstances. By doing anything you do to honor and glorify Him. The Fellowship has taught me so many things but it especially taught me that we get to choose to worship in the day-to-day mundane tasks. It’s not always easy but it’s in those moments we get to trust and lean on Him all the more. Worship is more than a song; it is an overflow of our hearts for Jesus.What better way to worship the Lord than to give the breath and strength He gave us and give it right back to Him?