How God Has Shown me Grace in the Fellowship - Kylie Martinez
Hello there! My name is Kylie, also known as Kyky, and I would love to share how God has shown me grace in the Fellowship.
I know we just met, but I am going to share some hard things that have happened in my life. InFebruary of 2023, my mom passed away from cancer. Shortly after, in April 2023, my brotherBrady passed away in a motorcycle accident. Amidst sudden grief, I was having to figure out what I would do after I graduated.
I had worked three summers at Sky Ranch and was never sold on joining the Fellowship program. Yet, God had a plan and, unbeknownst to me, had been softening my heart to apply to this program. So, while I was home in early February, I applied, interviewed, and got accepted into the program. I remember when I got accepted, I went and told my mom. At that time, she had not responded much to us, but the Lord is good, and for this news, she did. She raised her arms and cheered out of excitement! I am so grateful for this memory of her.
This is how I know God is a gracious and merciful God. Because how is it that right after these tragedies I was placed in a house with eight other girls and six guys down the road. How is it that I was suddenly placed in a community that loved to ask the question, “How are you doing?”How is it that I was suddenly a part of a program that placed me with a mentor, family group,and great leaders? How is it that I was suddenly placed on a team where I got to have so much fun with the silliest, most awesome people? I am moved just writing about how God has met my every need in a time of sorrow.
God’s good grace has been evident in my time in the Fellowship. I am surrounded by fourteen believers who desire spiritual maturity and sanctification in their lives. I am a part of a work environment that is encouraging, hard-working, and God-glorifying. The Fellowship has been ananswer to my prayers. I am so grateful God has used this program to mature, sanctify, and reveal His gracious and merciful character to me. I will forever treasure the blessing this season of life has been and be in awe of God’s good grace in leading me here!