SkyMoms Ministry
SkyMoms extends the spirit of Sky Ranch camping, taking positive discipleship into homes to nourish moms and equip them to better face the daily challenges and opportunities of raising Godly kids. In the same way Sky Ranch invests in the spiritual development of your child, we also, through SkyMoms, want to provide the opportunity to seek, share, and connect with other moms.
The primary mission of SkyMoms Ministry is to build community. Realizing that a Christian home is built from the inside out, the SkyMoms Ministry is committed to equipping and encouraging Sky families as they disciple, teach and love their children throughout the year.

Would your group of friends be encouraged by a seasoned parenting mentor? Are you struggling through a certain stage of child development? Let us invest in you through our SkyMoms luncheons. SkyMoms is a ministry created to help mothers deal with the day-to-day struggles of bringing up children. Sky Ranch hosts luncheons throughout the DFW area during the fall and spring that feature an encouraging message from a member of our Speaker Team.
Meet Our Leadership

Tori Miller
SkyMoms Director
Tori Miller is the Director of the SkyMoms Ministry where she has the amazing opportunity to come alongside moms in all walks of life, and stages of parenting, to encourage and equip them as we all raise our kids together. Meigs, her husband of 33 years, also works for Sky Ranch as the Major Gifts & Donor Relations Officer. They live in Prosper, Texas and are active in their community and members of their church-Prestonwood since the 1980's. Meigs and Tori have two beautiful girls who are married to incredible men! Kyndall is married to Bryant Forshee and live in Arkansas where Bryant is the Student Pastor for Cross Church in Springdale. Kyndall and Bryant adopted their first son, Tabor Lane, who was born on September 11th, 2023. Sterling is married to Sean Dougherty and live in Denver Colorado where Sean works for a fabulous construction company. Sterling and Sean welcomed their first daughter, Davy Louise, into the world September 19th, 2023. Being grandparents is the GREATEST ERA of their lives! They spend many weekends in Denver or Arkansas soaking up every little milestone these sweet grandbabies are transitioning through!
Tori’s life verse, Jeremiah 29:11, has encouraged her through the ups and downs and in betweens of life, love, and parenting. The Lord has given Tori a story that tells of the grace and blessings associated with a life lived committed to following the One who gives her a future and a hope.

Lainie Montgomery
SkyMoms Speaker
Loved. Forgiven. Redeemed. Daughter of the King. That is really what you need to know about Lainie. She received Jesus’s gift of salvation at the age of seven and He has continued to faithfully transform her life.
Lainie has a passion to see families flourishing! She has been in family ministry for over 25 years in the church, parachurch, and Christian Education spaces. She currently serving as the Director of Spiritual Formation for the Association of Christian Schools International, a global leader in Christian Education partnering with the church, school, and home to disciple the next generation.
Lainie is married to Chris, and they have five adult children who were a part of Sky Ranch’s Life Map. Their family has attended Sky Ranch Family Camp, Parent Child weekends, and summer camp for over 14 years as part of their intentional Family Discipleship Plan. She is part of the SkyMoms teaching team and serves on the Sky Ranch Board of Directors for Ute Trail. They are active in their local church, serve in a young marrieds class, and are thoroughly enjoying this new season of empty nesting.

Candice Myers
SkyMoms Speaker
Candice has been involved in full-time ministry work for over twenty-five years, with a focus on sharing the Gospel message with the lost, building up the believer, expanding the Kingdom, and encouraging unity in the Body of Christ. A three-time nominee for CCMA Female Artist of the Year, her appearances include services at rodeos, cowboy and mainstream churches, outreach events, Bible studies, and concerts. Born and raised in the rodeo and ranching environment of the Midwest, the former Miss Kansas has a passion for authentic and transparent ministry, and a heart for moms who are navigating their children through today’s rapidly changing culture. She currently serves as part of the Sky Ranch Executive Leadership Team.
Candice serves in tandem with her husband of 29 years, Rope Myers, a World Champion cowboy and Olympic gold medalist who currently heads up Sky Ranch’s Champions Rodeo Program. The Myers live in Van, Texas and are parents of four children – Layton, Holden, Tierney, and Storey.

Amy Pierson
SkyMoms Speaker
Amy is passionate about knowing God and making him known. She has been speaking, teaching, and discipling women for the last 20+ years. As a teen and in college, she traveled to over 20 countries sharing the Gospel with her family. As a young adult, Amy created a discipleship strategy & curriculum for 7th-12th grade girls, moms, and leaders at her church which has been reproduced and shared in many churches and non-profits.
Amy met her husband, Kyle, on a blind date and the 2 were married the next year! Their current job as church planting catalysts had them in New York for a season and they currently are laboring in the L.A. metro. However, her favorite job is being a Mom to Eva, Isaac, and Benjamin. Sky Ranch has created countless memories and discipleship moments with her family, and Amy is honored and humbled to get to be a part of the SkyMoms speaking Team!

Kristen Ainsworth
SkyMoms Speaker
Kristen loves to encourage and spur on women "toward love and good deeds," as Paul says in Hebrews 10:24, so she gets excited about every opportunity to teach God's people from God's Word. As the daughter of a minister, Kristen grew up with a heart for serving God, the church, and her community, as was modeled for her by her parents and church leaders.
After 12 years serving as a public school teacher and administrator, the Lord led Kristen to earn a seminary degree in Theology and to shift her focus to local church ministry. Kristen has served in various vocational and volunteer ministry roles throughout her adult life, serving the church as a minister, Bible teacher, Recovery leader, worship leader, and discipler of women. She now has the privilege of combining her two loves of education and ministry in her role as an adjunct professor at a Christian university. Kristen regularly speaks at women’s events and teaches in Women’s Bible Study at her local church.
Kristen and her husband Kevin have been married since 2019 and have a 13 year old son who would spend his entire summer at Sky Ranch if they let him! They live in Dallas and are members of Northwest Bible Church.